Wednesday, May 10, 2006
How about something light?
GFY basically skewers the dumb fashion choices stars make. And they do it in a way that's hilarious to someone like me who doesn't give a rat's ass about fashion. Some things worth knowing:
- All the Hiltons are trashhhhyyyy (duh).
- The writers have an obsession with George Clooney, that even a straight guy like me can't find fault with.
- I'm also a big fan of the bloat watch and the neck-cord watch (Celebrity Terror Watch), too. It's nice to have a yardstick by which to gauge superstar weight loss and weight gain.
- Finally, don't get started on the Breast Police or Bai Ling.
Why do I, a trained journalist and almost-trained librarian like this trash? First, it's not trash. I don't want to hear that kind of language from you again. Understand? Mostly I think they are good, fun, snarky writers. One can't read (or write) about the bird flu all the time.
That's precisely why I like While she mostly blogs about life as a former Mormon now living in SLC, she also has goats on her site banner and the text: "this website sux sweat goat balls." What's not to like about that?
Here's a bit more:
- My parents raised me Mormon, and I grew up believing that the Mormon Church was true. In fact, I never had a cup of coffee until I was 23-years-old. I had pre-marital sex for the first time at age 22, but BY GOD I waited an extra year for the coffee. There had better be a special place in heaven for me. (from the About this site section)
I especially recommend the following archive sections to get started:
Happy Reading.Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Bird Flu is comin' to get me?
Note: blogger's spell check replaces "birdflu" with "birthplace." Hmmmm....what's that mean?
More to the point, an anagram for "asian bird flu" is "Fail: is bad. Run! " Sounds like HAL made a boo-boo and is trying to warn us.
Monday, May 01, 2006
I'm still here...
Some interesting stuff these days in i-school world. One of our favorite professors, Jens-Erik Mai, is leaving the UW i-School to be associate dean of a new I-School up in Toronto or some other cool Canadian city. Can't blame him. He's Danish and oozes a bit too much cool for Seattle.
Congrats to him, but a bummer for us. I'm taking his indexing and abstracting class right now, and let me tell you, Mr. Mai can even help me enjoy Wilson (even though I want to edit the crap out of him).
Also, (and probably more important for future students) he's one of the "I" people who helps keep the forces of "L" in check. Don't get me wrong. I love L's. But balance is important and I think we're going to be a little L-heavy.