Wednesday, May 10, 2006
How about something light?
GFY basically skewers the dumb fashion choices stars make. And they do it in a way that's hilarious to someone like me who doesn't give a rat's ass about fashion. Some things worth knowing:
- All the Hiltons are trashhhhyyyy (duh).
- The writers have an obsession with George Clooney, that even a straight guy like me can't find fault with.
- I'm also a big fan of the bloat watch and the neck-cord watch (Celebrity Terror Watch), too. It's nice to have a yardstick by which to gauge superstar weight loss and weight gain.
- Finally, don't get started on the Breast Police or Bai Ling.
Why do I, a trained journalist and almost-trained librarian like this trash? First, it's not trash. I don't want to hear that kind of language from you again. Understand? Mostly I think they are good, fun, snarky writers. One can't read (or write) about the bird flu all the time.
That's precisely why I like While she mostly blogs about life as a former Mormon now living in SLC, she also has goats on her site banner and the text: "this website sux sweat goat balls." What's not to like about that?
Here's a bit more:
- My parents raised me Mormon, and I grew up believing that the Mormon Church was true. In fact, I never had a cup of coffee until I was 23-years-old. I had pre-marital sex for the first time at age 22, but BY GOD I waited an extra year for the coffee. There had better be a special place in heaven for me. (from the About this site section)
I especially recommend the following archive sections to get started:
Happy Reading.