Sunday, February 26, 2006

iTunes Piracy Victory? Phfftttttzzz!

"Over one billion songs have now been legally purchased and downloaded around the globe, representing a major force against music piracy and the future of music distribution as we move from CDs to the Internet." -- Steve Jobs

Hmmm…. 42 Million iPods, another 60 million other digital media players (probably a low estimate), with say, an average of 1000 songs/each on them. I’m not a math major, but my uniformed figures lead me to believe around 100 BILLION songs (and that's not even thinking about the terabytes of music on computer hard drives) are floating around on mp3 players. Hey, Steve, where’d those other 99 billion songs come from? Vinyl?

I don’t know. I’d have a hard time calling that a major force against music piracy.

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